Sunday, January 26, 2020

Studying In A Foreign Country Education Essay

Studying In A Foreign Country Education Essay My university experience till date has been one of the most unique, interesting, hectic and highly confusing in terms of adapting to a life I could not even imagine before. Its been a blend of fun and determination to stay focused, which is a continuing process and difficult to manage. I consider this reflective essay an opportunity to pen down my experiences, strengths and limitation that I encountered during my first year as a BA (Hons) Business Management and Studies student. These experiences influenced my day-to-day life and the development of my academic skills both directly and indirectly. Throughout the year, the numerous assignments, presentations and other module-related coursework presented challenges I have not encountered before and was both looking forward to and frightened by on a certain level. However, looking back on how I managed to organise my time management and balance my personal time, I am happy to say that semester one was a lesson to learn from and I am conf ident in thinking I am prepared to face new upcoming challenges with an optimistic attitude and determination to keep improving. Being an international student, studying in a foreign country, away from family and loved ones, has been overwhelming and challenging. The first challenge I was faced with was adjusting to the new culture and environment around me. Students coming from different cultures go through a phenomenon known as the Culture shock (Carroll and Ryan,). Culture differences include the physical environment, accommodation, the transport system and food which take time to get used to. Considering I come from a country with rich and colourful cultural background, getting used to the historical and cultural aspects of living in the Great Britain was a struggle at first. However, there are other types of shock the students from other cultures encounter as well. The so called Language shock had a lesser impact on my comfort as I have been studying English as my first language previous to coming here, but distinct accent of Wales made it hard for me to communicate to locals, which I find intimidating. A nd lastly, (Carroll and Ryan) explain that students from different cultures often encounter he so called Academic shock. The academic system here is very different compared to how I was educated in my home country, therefore giving me an opportunity to explore new ideas and perhaps realise new learning techniques that help me develop academically. Of course, there were some difficulties I encountered on the road to improvement and many more are to be expected, however I did not realise it would have such a significant impact on my previous abilities and knowledge. For example, writing assignments in an academic fashion is a new experience for me and finding relevant information and sources opened a new avenue of knowledge I had previously not encountered and admit to have struggled with at the beginning. However, the valuable feedback I received from my first essay helped boost my confidence and will to improve at all times. So far, the many new experienced turned out to be both positive and negative, having a different kind of impact on my learning and personal life. Probably the first and quite large difficulty I have encountered was the Harvard Referencing System and dealing with plagiarism, which we discussed at the beginning of the year. In India, my home country, we are not required to produce essays and other types of assignments consisting of references to other texts and sources. Therefore the world of British Academia based on avoiding the infamous plagiarism and always producing evidence of what is your own work and what is not, reminded me of trying to learn how to ride a bike. There were a few falls but in the end I managed to pick myself up and focus on the task, helping me learn and improve a skill that has been completely foreign to me beforehand. The amount of different types of sources, such as written text, academic journals, presentations and websites was initially over-whelming, whic h made me feel insecure about my abilities. However, I have soon realised that it does not have to be such a struggle and as I previously mentioned, the determination to learn and succeed won in the end. The best help I had at the beginning of this process was S. Cottrells guide on different types of referencing, which is a source that can be used at any point in my studies, even if another type of referencing will be required in my later years as a budding academic. (Cottrell) As stated by Allen (2005), finding and using information is a strategy that makes ones work easier. One has to focus on what is needed and read a lot of literature in order to get relevant matter from sources. I have put this knowledge to use hopefully successfully and hope to improve in the future. Receiving an encouraging A grade for my first assignment, made me realise that no student is perfect at the beginning if their academic journey and experience, and therefore I started believing in simply giving my best to any work I produce, which essentially is what is expected of me. As previously mentioned, the first semester was a lesson to learn from and the value of feedback was something I did not realise until it helped me improve radically. I have come to see that the reason why feedback is so important is that it gives all students a board to bounce off. The lack of references and relevant material in some of my essays was pointed out to me in a manner that was both professional and instead of making me feel defeated actually made me to push myself into improvement. In order to improve as I wish, I need to be more organised and have a clear understanding of what is expected of me from each assignment before collecting any information that might be relevant to the topic. Therefore I have been inspired by my fellow students who work according to a study plan which helps them organise their time, stay on track with their assignments and leave some time in order to contact the tutor if any difficulties or miscomprehension arise. According to Burn and Sinfield (2003), group work is a technique designed to reduce work load and share equal responsibility among group members to achieve goals in a limited time period. Group presentations became my favourite way of learning and something I look forward as a part of each of my modules. We usually work in a group of 3-4 people and during both the first and the second semester; we had the chance of preparing and presenting 3 group presentations. According to the Marxist views on education, working in groups at university prepares us to for the world of work by introducing us to any team work that we can encounter in our future employment, as well as authority respect and audience awareness. The limitations of our first group presentation experience varied from getting to know and work with people I did not know previously, and organising time for group meetings. One of the group members was, to put it as a laic, rude and had no consideration for other team members op inions, as well as wanting to do more work compared to others. His behaviour and attitude made me and the others feel less important and willing to work with him, as we could not contribute in the way we wished to. Since the lack of appropriate way of communication was so pronounced and equality in work contribution was non-existent, our performance was average and resulted in unusually low grades to all members. For our next assignment as the same group, we have decided to clear any issues that arouse during our first presentation to improve both our working relationship as a group and our performance to gain better grades and improve based on the feedback we received. The discussion helped us in many ways as we managed to assign equal contribution of work and made working together as a group less stressful and more of an enjoyable experience. Our presentation was not only spot on as required, but our teamwork has improved rapidly and was noticed by the tutor, receiving positive fe edback as well. Burn and Sinfield (2003) have suggested various tips and gave invaluable advice concerning group work, in order to make it more successful and productive. This advice included a variety of group work forms and processes, such as Belbins group roles, SWOT group work techniques and Adairs processes. Personally, I have found the SWOT group work technique to be most inspirational for my future enhancement and wish to include this technique in the future while preparing assigned presentations. SWOT analysis of the group allows one to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in a group. This helps nullifying the weaknesses at an individual level, and promoting the strength of the team members on a holistic level. The lack of knowledge of various presentation techniques inevitably resulted in, what I personally consider, an average, bordering on abysmal performance during my first presentation. Upon personal reflection, I realise my own limitations in the area of workin g with people and therefore wish to improve inter-personal relationships as a part of my personal development plan. The A levels I completed in my education in India consisted of subjects in the Science field and some related to it. Hence, not having a background in studying business and economics on a certain level like my fellow students was a considerable disadvantage, just like my lack of knowledge in the referencing ethics. Since I did not possess the basic knowledge of business, I was considered to be a slow learner compare to other students in my modules. Understanding economics was one of the biggest struggles I experienced and till date still find it difficult to comprehend, which I admit is highly discouraging. The regular economic quizzes provided on the blackboard helped me improve exponentially, however that does not mean I still do not feel like a fish out of water in this field. Finance however is a subject I enjoyed greatly, compared to how economics made me feel, and received valuable feedback on which allowed me to improve and gain better results. It was the subject I enjoyed stu dying the most and even considered majoring in it. All new modules I had the opportunity to study provided many new ideas and concepts for me, but with every positive comes a slight drawback. Each module requires a certain type of assignment, either a report or an essay. Both types of assignment form were foreign to me before my life as a developing academic and therefore the lectures on how to write an essay, reflective or other, helped me greatly in understanding the way in which my work had to be written and presented. Report style assignments were a struggle as a concept, closely tied to not having experience in studying business and management beforehand, where I believe such skills develop more gradually and improve at university level. Therefore instead of improving upon a skill I already had, report and essay writing is something that I had to learn consequently to coming to Britain and only now, after gaining some experience with assignments, I can improve on whatever skills I have gained predominantly in the first semester. Lastly, managing time is a rare resource or rather a skill, and there can be severe consequences if not grasped and developed correctly. Not only as a student but as a future employee as well, working in a demanding environment requires having a firm grasp of time management. Without this expected and highly demanding skill, future employability may become an issue, which I would rather not face. Since I am provided with the opportunity to learn how to manage my time and organise my schedule as university, I would consider it a personal failure if I did not develop these skills in order to gain better employability. Gaining new skills and improving upon the existing one is a continuous process, however I take it as an opportunity and a challenge to improve not only academically but as a rounded human being as well. My experience in Great Britain will hopefully become something to cherish and my determination and strengths something to focus at while looking for a future employment as well.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Life or death †whose decision is it anyway?

The courses of actions that were taken shall be justified through the use of Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative. The categorical imperative provides that one ought to, â€Å"[a]ct only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.† There are however two formulations of the categorical imperative. The above-mentioned is the first one and the second is â€Å"[a]ct in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any another, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.†Scenario 1The primary issue at hand is whether or not it was ethical for the doctors in George Washington Hospital to insist that her baby be allowed to live despite Angela’s, her physicians’ and her family’s objections; especially when it was found that in the end, the surgery was a contributing cause to Angela’s death. Thus, the primary issue here is wheth er or not abortion would have been ethical given the situation. What is the best course of action to take given the situation?But even before proceeding, what exactly is the situation? The situation is the fact that Angela is faced with cancer and she has only a few days to live. Her physicians and her family wanted to preserve her life as much as they could. In addition, the surgery (cesarean section), which while gives the baby 50 to 60% chance to survive, endangers Angela’s life and withers the last few days that she has left, not to mention the fact that .   Furthermore, they estimated that there was a less than 20 percent chance that the child would be disabled.   The physicians also testified that the surgery would increase the chances of Angela Carter’s death.The best course of action taken was the course taken by the doctors in George Washington Hospital to insist that her baby be allowed to live despite Angela’s, her physicians’ and her famil y’s objections.. Thus, given the situation it would not have been ethical to abort the baby. This decision can be justified using Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative.The categorical imperative can be explained simply through the discussion on duties. Basically if a course of action or decision is one’s duty, then it can be willed to become a universal law. If on the other hand, a course of action is not part of one’s duty then it cannot be said to become a universal law.Given the situation above, it is the duty of Angela’s doctors to uphold the value of life. In fact as doctors, it is part of their Hippocratic Oath â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patients, and to try to avoid harming them† and â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest.† However, it becomes complicated as they, in a way have to choose between Angela’s and her baby’s li fe. As it is their duty to protect their patients’ lives, they are now confronted with a scenario that they have to inevitably choose one of their patients’ lives. Thus, the question is can the doctors continue performing their duties without aborting the baby? Are there alternatives?Subjected to the first formulation of the categorical imperative, the action not to abort and keep the child may be regarded as a universal law and may be imposed upon any other individual who finds himself/ herself in such a situation.They may do without abortion as the same is in compliance with their duty to preserve life because there are other means by which they may still comply with their duty to Angela to protect and safeguard her life. One of these is by making sure that she is given the best possible attention during the surgery. It must be noted that Angela’s is bound to live for only a few days, no matter what the doctors do.The course of action is further affirmed and c larified as it is subjected to the second formulation. From such maxim arises the duty that human life must be protected and safeguarded because it must not be treated just as a means but always at the same time as an end.Ideally, the best course of action is to try all means possible and necessary to safeguard both Angela and her baby’s life. However, it must be noted that Angela’s life is already on the losing end and no matter what the doctors do, she was bound to die sooner rather than later. Thus, aborting the baby is but a means to making sure that Angela will live albeit for a few a days; with this fact, such course of action does not pass the second formulation of the categorical imperative. The life of the baby must be treated not just as a means but also as an end.Thus, in this case the doctors of George Washington Hospital undertook to perform the best course of action given the situation as at the end of the day, life or death is not a decision that any per son can make. For that matter, no one person can ever make that decision for someone else.Scenario 4The primary issue in this scenario was whether or not it would be ethical for the Dr. Wendy Smith to inform Jack’s father that he will die unless he gets a liver transplant.The issue arises from the fact that Jack believes that his father’s situation will worsen once the gravity of his predicament is made known to him. On the other hand, Dr. Wendy Smith believes by his sworn duty to inform the patient of what he is up against.In this situation there is a clash of duties between the duty of Jack to his father, as a son and the duty of the doctor to Jack’s father as his doctor. It is the duty of Jack to do everything in his power to make sure that the best interests of his father is upheld and taken care of. On the other hand, in addition to the above-mentioned duties of a doctor â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patient s, and to try to avoid harming them† and â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest,† it is also their duty â€Å"[t]o keep the good of the patient as the highest priority.†We shall now find out the resolve of the conflicting duties by subjecting them to the two formulations of the categorical imperative.With respect to Jack’s duty, it is true that the upholding the best interests of one’s parent can be willed that it should become a universal law. In addition, by upholding the best interests of one’s parent, one acts in such a way that he/she treats humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any another, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.With respect to Dr. Wendy Smith’s duties â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patients, and to try to avoid harming them,† â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest,† and â€Å"[t]o keep the good of the patient as the highest priority.† The same can be willed that they can become universal laws and the same are also means by which humanity is treated not just as a means but also as an end.Thus, as both were subjected to the categorical imperative and both passed the formulations, what then? It can be noted that Jack’s duty is to make sure that the best interests of his father are upheld, but how does Jack know what his best interests are? Is concealing the truth to him of his best interest? Thus, we subject this to the categorical imperative.Concealing the truth cannot be willed to become a universal law. If the same were to be allowed to become universal law then all concealments of truth in all situations not related to the situation at hand will be justified. The same is inconsistent to upholding the virtue of truth. At the same time, concealing the truth is actually a method by which one is treated as a means and not as end. This is so as concealment provides a myopic view – it is a mere means for the people around Jack’s father to avoid the issue of his impending demise for themselves rather than making sure that Jack’s father is apprised of his situation and is prepared for the worst possible ending of his situation.Thus, the best course of action to take is the action backed up by Dr. Wendy Smith’s duty as a doctor to inform the patient of his predicament no matter how grave said situation is.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Write My Essay Tips

Write My Essay Tips So long as you are certain you'll get a personalized essay, you can concentrate on the pricing. Next, you'll want to organize your new ideas into a form that may be written. Employing wrong verb form can alter the significance of a sentence entirely. When you compose a resume for the very first time, it may take you some time to put everything in order and create your CV seem presentable. The Pain of Write My Essay Share your knowledge of schools which you think might be an excellent fit and with which students may not be familiar. College Writers is here in order to supply you with a helping hand in a challenging procedure of. Students know they can trust us to find the business done and to do it right the very first time. Every student demands help with homework from time to time. Definitions of Write My Essay Today is a great day to compose my essay, maybe two for that issue. Writing is the ideal way to express the thoughts and thoughts in a suita ble manner so it's not merely necessary to become excellent grades but also for expressing one idea and thoughts too. Of course, when you don't consider yourself a very good writer then the assignment may look like something that's not possible to receive done in whatever timeframe it has been allotted. If you do not know about how to pick the expert writers for your college project then it is possible to stick to the steps. Students may take Modern language Association referencing guide to comprehend the suitable format of writing in the ideal font. Sometimes they will be given a conventional topic, such as describing a difficult situation in their lives and how they managed to overcome it. Write My Essay - the Story Our writers always create unique content that is absolutely free from all grammatical error. You might have been inboxing people on social networking. The Do's and Don'ts of Write My Essay Reading essay examples can be helpful in guiding you to writing your own excellent essay. An essay is frequently an important component for admissions to your preferred college. You will g et an essay which you'll have the ability to submit directly. Whenever you opt to use a very good argumentative essay is. If you compose an essay or assignment with a large concentration then you won't get off the topic. While writing your assignments you should have the notion of the way to do MLA format assignments. Whenever your deadline is tight, you will likely write us nervously write my essay and think we'll see what you need from 1 sentence. Expert writers are prepared to help you with your tasks. Our talented writers can deal with just about any kind of writing assignment, together with Math and Physics difficulties and a lot more. Creating and observing an essay outline is frequently an effective approach to writing a college essay. As you may see, writing university papers is a trying challenge. As soon as you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin trying to find a proper writer for your paper. After creating an overall outline, you might want to work on the facts of your essay.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Does Gender Have An Effect On Memory - 1444 Words

Memory is the ability to encode, store and retain information from past experiences in the human brain. Memories help people remember, learn and adapt from experiences and build better relationships. We use memory every single day of our lives, whether it is at home, school, work, etc. Without memory, we would not be able to look into the past or think about our future. We would not be able to remember what we did yesterday, what we did today or what we will do tomorrow. Without memory, what would we remember? Nothing. The question is does gender have an effect on memory? Can men recall memories better than women? Or can women recall memories better than men? The Study of human memory started about two thousand years ago by Aristotle’s first attempt to understand how memory works. Aristotle â€Å"compared the human mind to a blank slate and theorized that all humans are born free of any knowledge and are merely the sum of their experiences†. David Hartley was the first philosopher to hypothesize that memories were encoded through motions in the nervous system. In the 1870s and 1880s, William James and William Wundt were the first psychologists to do research into how the human memory works. A German philosopher Herman Ebbinghaus developed the first scientific approach to studying memory. During Ebbinghaus’s experiments, he used lists of non-syllables, and then associated them with meaningful words. As he was doing his experiments, Ebbinghaus developed concepts of the learningShow MoreRelatedLosing Your Car At A Parking Lot : Spatial Memory1219 Words   |  5 PagesPlukaard (2012) in their paper â€Å"Losing your car in a parking lot: Spatial memory in the real world† examines spatial memory including strategy usage in a real-life context. The study took the form of a questionnaire and had duration of approximately 10 minutes; with a sample size of 115 participants and participants matched for both age and gender. 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